A 120-Day Functional Nutrition Reset of your Immunity System you can finally enjoy Spring Allergy season without the sinus issues while at the same time improving your overall immunity.
The 120-Day Immunity Reset Technology is designed to support your body's natural anti-inflammatory response by reducing pro-inflammatory cytokines and allowing for T cells, B cells and antibodies to do their jobs more effectively.
I have been in Clinical Practice for over a decade now and have helped thousands of patients, just like yourself, restore their health with my Functional Nutrition protocols.
My Clinic has been honored to have a 99% Patient Satisfaction Rating as measured by our Clinical Outcomes Management System and to have been voted a "Best in Virginia" practice for multiple years in a row by Virginia Living Magazine.
The reason I decided to create Rescue Nutrition Formulas Foundational Health System is to make my award-winning protocols available to more of those who desperately need help, so that they can live their lives with an abundance of energy, strength and peace of mind.
According to the Allergy and Asthma Network 1 in 5 Americans suffer from an environmental allergy with an annual economic burden of $8 billion dollars a year.
GET STARTED NOW"I'll tell you who this Functional Nutrition Technology is NOT for. If you're looking for a miracle cure without having to change your diet and lifestyle, then this product is not for you. If you're looking to cure any immune disease without seeking medical care, then this product is not for you. Or if you are looking to maintain the current trajectory of your immunity that will more than likely lead to further health complications…then this product is not for you either."
Like I've already said. Immune Health is a major issue in the United States.
My patients say...
Here are the different objectives of our Immunity-Defend Technology
Helps damaged or infected cells get destroyed.
Dysfunctional Cellular Immunity leads to Autoimmunity.
This is controlled by B-Cells that stimulate and circulate antibodies through your cardiovascular system.
Dysfunctional Humoral Immunity leads to Allergies and Asthma.
This is controlled by Vitamin D and K working together.
(120-Day Transformational Immunity Health Protocol)
Support increased strength.
Support increased stamina.
Support cognitive function.
Supports stimulation of the innate and adaptive immune system.
Supports cognitive function.
Increases antiviral, anti-microbial, antioxidant capacity.
Supports long-term glucose metabolism.
Supports long-term fat metabolism.
(Value: 4 x $49.90)
(Value: 4 x $59)
(Value: 4 x $25.99)
TOTAL 120-DAY VALUE ($539.56)
My Immune Reset Technology bundle supports healthy cellular immunity by boosting killer T-cell function, which helps to destroy damaged or infected cells. Dysfunctional cellular immunity can lead to autoimmunity, but with my technology, you can help prevent that from happening. But that's not all! This bundle also supports healthy humoral immunity, which is controlled by B-cells that stimulate and circulate antibodies through your cardiovascular system. Dysfunctional humoral immunity can lead to allergies and asthma, but with my technology, you can keep your immune system in top shape. And how does it all work? The Immune Reset Technology Bundle supports healthy B-cell and T-cell regulation, which is controlled by vitamin D and K working together. This powerful combination helps keep your immune system functioning at its best. Don't wait any longer to support your immune system and keep it functioning at its best. Get my Immune Reset Technology Bundle today and experience the benefits for yourself!
"Alright, so there you have it, you have sat and listened to what I've had to say about Immunity. You've heard all about what this Technology is about and now you know that this is exactly what your Immunity Defense needs and what you have been looking for. I have created Rescue Nutrition Formulas Foundational Metabolic Reset Technology as a simple to follow Protocol to efficiently, effectively and permanently support your Immunity defense. It is all about giving you the freedom and certainty you deserve with a simple system that will make your recovery as reliable and easy as possible. Finally you can restore your energy, stamina and vitality without the allergies, illness, fatigue and pain that comes with immune health dysfunction."
You CAN regain control of your health and feel like a brand new you. We are talking about building the foundations for a life that can take you to places you’ve only dreamt of.
1. Clinical-Grade Rescue Formulas
2. Evidence-Based Meal Plans
4. Functional Reboot Modules
It's a proven fact - the people who manage to successfully lose their excess weight and permanently keep it off long-term are those who change their lifestyle for good. A super-important part of that is understanding the basics of obtaining a healthy lifestyle. Learn how to eat clean, change your mindset, and get Fit for LIfe! THE 120-DAY RESCUE NUTRITION FORMULAS FUNCTIONAL REBOOT WILL TRANSFORM YOU!!!
You need to get to a mental state where you understand what’s good for your body and choose to embrace it.
"I got fast results & was able to stop using all pain meds to this day! I am exercising and enjoying mobility and life quality that I’ve not had in many years! Along the way Dr. DaPonte helped me with better brain function using at home strategies & rewiring my limbic system. While healing my gut lining & losing weight. He continues to help me manage & navigate my wellness journey. Dealing with MCS , fibromyalgia, rheumatoid arthritis , lupus & just getting older... ALL without pharmaceutical drugs. SO VERY THANKFUL!!!"
"My husband recommended Dr. DaPonte and he has greatly helped me with my overall health and is worth the two-hour drive. Dr. DaPonte does a great job educating us on the treatments he recommends which I greatly appreciate!"
"Dr Dennis DaPonte is absolutely fantastic! He truly aims to make your whole body function better. As a professional horse trainer, I need instruction on how to keep my body working properly to train effectively and avoid injury."
RESCUE NUTRTION FORMULAS 120-Day FUNCTIONAL REBOOT will get you on the right track to improving the relationship you have with your own body and mind, in a sustainable way! Here is what you are getting...
This is a 120-Day Functional Reset of your Immunity Health & a 120-day Functional Reboot of your Lifestyle. You will receive 120-day Supply of supplements, educational modules, meal plans , shopping lists, food diaries, functional movement protocols, functional mindfulness protocols and Self-Care behavioral plans to ensure your successful transformation.
(Value: 4 x $49)
(Value: 4 x $59)
(Value: 4 x $49)
TOTAL 120-DAY VALUE ($628)
(Gluten-Free/Dairy-Free Recipes and Shopping Lists)
(120-Day Functional Foundations Functional Movement Course)
(Visualization and Meditation videos as well as other Mindfulness Self-Care Tools)
That is $299 for my Transformational Functional Reboot Protocol that I am going to give you at no charge, mostly because I have just launched this site and I really want you to be successful with your immunity health and life transformation.
And that is $628 in Functional Nutrition that is going to transform your immunity health and give you energy for life.
But as part of this Launch Special and as a token of my appreciation I am going to offer you a...
ONE-TIME 57% LAUNCH SPECIAL DISCOUNT and I'll even let you break it up into 4 payments.
That means you are getting a $927 Value for 4 simple payments of $99.
DISCLAIMER: Neither these products, nor the statements made on this website about them are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. All the information presented here is meant for educational purposes only and not meant as a substitute for or alternative to information from healthcare practitioners. Please consult your healthcare professional about potential interactions or other possible complications before using any product. The Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act requires this notice. Neither, www.drdaponte.com nor Dr. Dennis DaPonte is providing any medical advice, and none should be inferred, from any ideas, suggestions, testimonials or other information set forth on this website or in email correspondence.
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